Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

Virtual Appreciation Station

KUDOS to…09/22/2021

RANDALL WOOD! Gives clear write-up as reminders for us all. Very helpful. – SANDRA COLLEY

KUDOS to…08/19/2021

IAN WOODS! Pitches in whenever needed. WEDS 8/11 was SCA AUG prelim. We were struggling with RECONs. Ian came in early to get RECON lists generated and distributed which allowed us to not just meet but surpass our prelim goal. That same day severe weather knocked out power for 3 SCA TLs, all of whom were scheduled to work that day. Ian stepped in and covered those shifts with no notice. Thank you Ian! – THERESA CAMELO

KUDOS to…08/11/2021

JULIA JAKACKI! Relieves others of difficult tasks. Thank you for figuring out how to get to the STARRS staff schedule and sharing with the TL’s! – REXINE NEWHOUSE

KUDOS to…08/11/2021

PAT BUSH! Pitches in whenever needed. Covered another staff’s shift even though she was feeling very ill. Thank you! – REXINE NEWHOUSE

KUDOS to…08/11/2021

GLENDA BLAIR! Other: helped fellow co worker with learning new tasks – EDDA WILLIAMS

KUDOS to…07/21/2021

ELAINE SESTITO! Other: great addressing R concerns – VANESSA NAVARRO

KUDOS to…07/21/2021

ELAINE SESTITO! Brings our mission to life. Compassionate with the STARRS Rs! – REXINE NEWHOUSE

KUDOS to…07/21/2021

ELIZABETH WOJTOWYCZ! Is a great role model. Every time that I open a SID, and find that each and every task has been completed in accordance with protocol, I also find that the previous IWER has been Elizabeth. From her work, I have learned how such attention to detail eases the burden for other IWERs. – MARTHA HELD

KUDOS to…07/21/2021

LYLA DEAN! Has worked hard to improve where needed, to great success. Lyla was having a rough time several weeks back. She received support fromt he team and has made great improvements. – THERESA CAMELO

KUDOS to…07/11/2021

LYLA DEAN! Has a good attitude. Always positive and upbeat even when she isn’t feeling well. – REXINE NEWHOUSE